
Monday, January 6, 2014

Mommy Mondays Week 35

This past week marked the start of my modified work hours! I still worked two regular days, but as of the 2nd I am down to just 5 hours at a time. It's a huge relief, because after working my 5 hours I went to the doctor, then CVS to get a prescription, and I was completely exhausted by the time I got home. This baby girl is getting big, and man can I feel it. Every day it's new aches and pains. Frequent Braxton Hicks, and the sensation that she is just going to fall right out. Getting up is actually painful at this point. 

I was looking forward to NYE with my family, and I ended up laying on the couch all night (after a 2 hour nap) because I was just so unbelievably uncomfortable. I can't believe she will be here in just about a month, we really need to finish up the nursery! I know once she's here I'm just going to want to relax and sleep whenever I can and not fuss over the apartment.

How many weeks: 35

What fruit/veggie is baby: honeydew melon, 18 inches and 5.25 lbs.

Movement: lots of karate chops and kicks lately. The other day my whole stomach shook so hard she knocked my phone off my belly. It seems like she'll get a big burst of energy and kick and punch with all of her limbs all at once. It's really intense! 

New symptoms: well last week I said I had a lot of pressure, like she was trying to wedge into my pelvis. Turns out she is wedged into my pelvis. Baby is engaged, which is what people mean when they say you've dropped. I always thought this happened closer to your due date, but it seems she dropped about 7 weeks before her due date. I wish it meant she was on her way, but babies can stay engaged all the way until you're being induced at 42 weeks haha. Other than the pressure, I've been getting an achy back again and some cramping/tightening in my lower abdomen. Feels like round ligament pain all over again.

Cravings: I still craved chocolate chip cookies and milk all this week. I used my Kitchenaid to make a big batch of 43 cookies, and oh my were they worth the calories.

Sleep: it's gradually getting difficult, mainly because it's so hard to get up and down. If I could sleep through the night without moving, I would sleep just fine. I grunt and take deep breaths every time I try to turn over or get out of bed. It's really getting tough!

Stretch marks: none

Rings on/off: on

Best memory of the week: getting the dresser stocked and the glider assembled Her room is really starting to come together, I will share a picture below. Nursery post is still to come once I've finished up. 

Looking forward to: My next doctors appointment, even though it isn't until the 14th. I'll be 36 weeks and I'm not sure if they start doing internal exams or anything, but I'm really curious to know what all is going on down there! I know a lot of people who post about how effaced or dilated they are, so I'm assuming they start checking for that toward the end. So exciting! 

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